
Parties – Gotta Love ‘Em!

Parties are great! cheap nfl jerseys Well most of them. I have to confess, I'm a little weary of the way this word is overused. It is now just another cliché, ranking right up there with “whatever”, “cool”, “wazzup”, “wass happenin” and sundry other words and phrases that have become the hallmark of our pop culture language. Small wonder our children don't do well in school. With a vocabulary like that, what can you possibly learn or understand?Meet a girl? Hey! Let's party! What the hell does that mean. It sounds lewd to me! Bump into your friends? Hey! Let's party bro! Daniel Webster must be spinning in his grave like the centrifuges in Ahmadinejad's non-existent nuclear bomb factory. What has happened to our language? Certainly, languages evolve, meanings change and expand to express new technological and social developments. I've just got a problem with reverse evolution! I'm seeing our language devolve and contract rather than evolve and expand. It is changing, but not necessarily for the better.Am I alone in this assessment? I don't think so. Frederick Douglass, a famous black American orator and writer, a contemporary and close advisor to Abraham Lincoln, said that, “literacy equals freedom”. Is it a stretch to say that if we lose our language, if we allow it to become debased, if we allow slang to become Standard English, we will lose our freedom? Maybe! Just maybe!It is intentional? I'd like to think not, but when you find out teacher colleges, such as the University of North Carolina at Wilmington (UNC-W) and Penn State University are encouraging our future teachers to abandon the old methods of teaching English and focus on Ebonics, hip-hop literacy and black English, you have to wonder. Conspiracy theory, anyone?Frederick Douglass would be appalled to see that our institutions of higher learning are encouraging future teachers to aid and abet the return of slavery by purposefully depriving students of the ability to effectively communicate.Is language that important? Your bet it is! Nations divided by language do not stand. Look at what is happening in Belgium right now for an example of this. In the north, they speak Dutch and in the south, they speak French. The result is a nation divided, not by religion, not by race and not by ethnicity, but by language. Serbia and Croatia are also recent examples of language deciding the fate of nations.I've always taken pride in the fact that English is held in such high regard as the language of business, law and science. Proud that so many nations of the world insist their children learn English, recognizing it is important to their children's success cheap oakley sunglasses in the world. When will those of us in the United States of America begin to display the same wisdom with regard to the value of our language as so many other countries in the world? Are we going to allow the English of Young Jeezy, Lil' Wayne, and Eminem to prevail?I just don't have an answer to that question. Anyway, let's party!http://yhetrsilkroad.blogspot.com/2013/06/where-can-i-buy-cheap-real-nfl-nike.html| http://vindictus23.blogspot.com/2013/06/evrything-will-be-possible-in-google.html|

